Oil On Wood

Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court

Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court
Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court
Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court
Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court
Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court

Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court   Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court

Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court dimensions 24/16 cm provenance from the artist's family.

Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court   Louis Edouard Garrido oil on wood child of the court